The Jalapeño | Suppressor Cover

The Jalapeño (Suppressor Cover) – Super green on the outside, hot on the inside. (Unless you order a different color.)

You shoot a lot and your gun gets hot. Then, without thinking about it, you put your rifle into its case or some place else equally tender. We have mauled several rifle cases, burned seats in vehicles, and have at least one scar from a hot rifle or barrel suppressor.

We actually made the original Jalapeño for the Minigun. With it, we could dump 3000 rounds in a minute or so, slip The Jalapeño over the barrel group, pull the gun off the mount and stow it without having to wait for it to cool off. If it works for the M134, it will work on anything. Once inside the jalapeño your rifle can be safely stowed away or mounted scabbard style in your truck.

It has a large mouth that makes sliding a hot rifle in easy and is sized to handle standard length or shorter rifles with suppressors. The Dillon Rifle Company Jalapeño can handle temperatures beyond super hot and look classy at the same time.


Product Features:

  • 23.5 in. (l)  x  8 in. (w)
  • 3 Color Options- Super Green, Basic Black, Above Average Grey
  • Felted Carbon Fabric capable of Resisting Super Hot Temps.
  • Custom DRC Premium Jacquard Woven Nylon Webbing
  • Fidlock® slider-buckle.



SKU N/A Category


Additional information

Weight .6 lbs
Dimensions 23.5 × 8 × .75 in

Above Average Grey, Basic Black, Super Green, Coyote Brown

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