The Bag

The design is based on decades of field work in not so friendly places in the world where your bag is your lifeline. This bag is ready for anything, anytime, and anywhere.

Other bags have a lid that exposes everything you’re carrying when you open the bag. We designed our bag to keep your gear organized and concealed. The main compartment or the “hot” side is lined with hook and loop system to keep your tools where you need them even when you’re on the run. The “hot” side also has a zippered pouch for a custom Level 3A armor panel.

The “cold” section also has hook and loop system in case you need to expand your load out. It has 4 additional stretchy pouches that you can organize with individual small pouches. The outer admin section is a great place to keep all your pens, pencils, cords and smaller items contained. We offer the bag only, or as a system with rifle and pistol magazine pouches, medical pouch, and Level 3A armor panel

Product Features:

  • 15” L x 5” W x 10” H
  • 500D and Hypalon Construction
  • Adaptable system
  • Everyday Carry Bag
  • Quick access to interior
  • Keep contents organized

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SKU N/A Category

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Bag Color

Gray w/ Black Sling, Black w/ Black Sling, Green w/ Black Sling, Coyote Brown w/ Black Sling

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia there live the blind texts.